Finola Howe
Kieran Ryan
Head of Enterprise and Engagement
 + 353 (01) 91 742 000


The Industry Liaison Office at ATU is responsible for all technology transfer activities between the institute and industry. Winning major funding from agencies including EI, SFI, PRTLI, FP6, FP7, INTERREG, IRC and others.

Technology transfer activities include:

  • Managing the Institute’s intellectual property (IP) policy & portfolio.
  • Creating and promoting awareness of IP within ATU Sligo through the production of guidelines, workshops, guest speakers, lectures, training courses, and presentations from the Patent Office etc.
  • Enhancing and developing ATU Sligo’s collaboration with regional enterprise.
  • Generating licence income for commercialisation and research.
  • Facilitating commercialisation of the institute’s research in the interests of regional development.
  • Working with academic staff, researchers and students to commercialise their discoveries through the creation of campus companies and the licensing of institute IP to companies.

Research at ATU is organised to meet three strategic objectives:

  • Provision of Masters and PhD (Levels 9 and 10) opportunities to graduates, in support of the development of a knowledge society staff development to increase and deepen the relevance and impact of the institute in the region
  • Direct support to business to provide new knowledge and increased capacity to operate in a developing knowledge economy

ATU provides research services across all disciplines, but has a particular focus in four Strategic Priority Areas:

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Three Strategic Research Centres have recently been established in these areas: The Centre for Environmental Research, Innovation and Sustainability (CERIS); The Precision Engineering and Manufacture centre (PEM); the Centre for Research in the Social Professions (CRiSP).

ATU Sligo Research Website