SETU's New Frontiers welcomes entrepreneurs for Autumn 2024

Thursday 29th August 2024

New Frontier's programme welcomed a new cohort of entrepreneurs taking part in Phase 2 of the entrepreneurial development scheme for Autumn 2024 to its Carlow campus.

This is a special time of year for the programme as it ushers in new participants working on exciting and innovative ventures in business and tech.

The group was welcomed by Gemma Purcell, Enterprise Development Manager at SETU in Carlow, who said, “We're delighted to welcome a new cohort of ambitious entrepreneurs to the New Frontiers Phase 2 programme. This marks the start of their journey as we work with them providing the tools, mentorship, and resources they need to turn their vision into reality.”

ERIC Centre

The event was an opportunity to welcome new programme participants to SETU's campus in Carlow and, more specifically, to the University's ERIC ( Enterprise and Research Incubation Campus ) centre, where participants will have a dedicated workspace available to them. The ERIC will also host workshops, mentoring, and networking sessions for participants throughout their time on the programme.

Supporting ambitious founders

Paula Carroll, New Frontiers National Programme Manager, also from the Enterprise Ireland Mentor programme, addressed attendees, “Enterprise Ireland is proud to partner with SETU in the delivery of the New Frontiers programme which is critically important in supporting ambitious founders with the right connections, the right skills, and the right route to capital to dramatically increase their chances of success.”

Regional enterprise potential

Aidan Shine, CEO of Propelor BIC, also spoke at the event. He said, “Propelor BIC is delighted to support the New Frontiers Programme in SETU. With its remit from Enterprise Ireland to support High Potential Startups (HPSUs), Propelor BIC sees the New Frontiers Programme as an important source of pipeline of potential HPSUs in the region. The programme allows entrepreneurs to explore their ideas in a structured way, as well as tapping into expert guidance and linkages to the startup support ecosystem during the programme.”

Providing strategic direction

Lastly, attendees heard from Hollianne Phelan, founder of Cotone Collection and former New Frontiers participant. Hollianne's story is one of inspiration for the budding entrepreneurs who learned about the story of her wellness and lifestyle clothing brand. The Cotone Collection specialises in high­comfort, high­quality sleepwear made from natural fabrics. Holianne shared her experience of the New Frontiers programme and how it helped her set out the strategic direction of her business.

Source: Setu