NVP Energy, a Galway based technology company, established to commercialise ground-breaking Low Temperature Anaerobic Digestion wastewater treatment technology developed in the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) has been chosen as the national winner of the prestigious energy globe award. The company, formed in 2013, has proven the wastewater treatment technology at full scale and is rapidly expanding, now employing 12 people in Galway and Dublin.
With more than 182 participating countries and over 2000 project submissions annually the Energy Globe Award is today's most prestigious environmental prize worldwide. It distinguishes projects regionally, nationally, globally that conserve resources such as energy or utilize renewable or emission-free sources. Award ceremonies are held all over the world. Prominent personalities as well as Energy Globe Ambassadors in 90 countries support the mission of Energy Globe. The activities of Energy Globe attract worldwide media attention - international TV stations report each year with approximately 1000 hours of broadcast time. The aim of the Energy Globe is to raise global attention on sustainable, everywhere-applicable environmental solutions and to motivate people to also become active in this area.
The formal presentation of the award to NVP Energy takes place at Arrabawn Dairies, Kilconnell, Co Galway on Thursday 18th OCtober from 16:00 - 18:00.