UIDP is an American-based organisation with a particular focus on university-industry interaction. This webinar shares views from several multi-nationals on research collaboration during the Covid19 crisis.
The research community has shifted into high gear to develop solutions to the COVID-19 epidemic. What are the priorities for the industry, and how can universities better partner to enable solutions?
UIDP members and non-members are invited to join us to learn how industry members, in diverse sectors, are evaluating and reframing their current approaches to academic collaborations.
Leaders in academic and corporate organizations, as well as other interested parties who are dedicated to forming partnerships to lead their groups to advance research in the current environment.
The webinar will focus primarily on:
- Evaluating (or reevaluating) the value of U-I partnerships and collaborations;
- Industry perspectives and opportunities with academic research; and
- Industry strategies to partner with academics to create innovation.
UIDP will also explore:
- How companies can honor current commitments to research projects, and whether there will be receptivity to flexibility in revising project timelines;
- How new academic collaborations can move forward, and if so, whether they will be business-as-usual or will refocus on COVID-19-related research and topics;
How constrained budgets will present new opportunities for multi-company projects